Alpine Huts
The shelters of CAI of Rieti are located in Terminillo, both at a certain altitude: the small Rifugio Rinaldi (2.108 m.) on the top of the Terminilletto can only be reached by foot, it is open in summer and a few weekend in winter; the Rifugio Sebastiani (1,820 m.), open all year round, is reached by the road to Vallonina. Both have been recently renovated, have cozy alpine-style rooms, from them you can enjoy breathtaking views and an unusual peace, because they are totally free of noise and light pollution.
Rifugio Angelo Sebastiani

The shelter has 24 beds distributed in 8 rooms, members room, local cuisine, meals at special rates for members of CAI.
OPENING All year.
SERVICES Lunch, Dinner and overnight (welcome reservation)
INFO Gestore Marco Valeri / Phone 0746.261184 – 339 5211171
ACCESS Root to Vallonina
Rifugio Massimo Rinaldi

On the top of the Termilletto, perfectly equipped for the schools of the province with the chaperones of the CAI section. The refuge is available for any cultural and scientific initiative.
OPENING Periodo invernale novembre/aprile: aperto nei week-end per gruppi su prenotazione (meteo permettendo).
Periodo estivo maggio/ottobre: aperto tutti i giorni (meteo permettendo).
SERVICES Lunch and overnight
INFO Warden Emanuele Ludovisi / Phone 328.0020775 – 348.8899307
ACCESS Sentiero 401 (campo forogna 1675 m, monte Terminilletto 2108 m – 1 hour)